Being Beautiful

If what you dream of has already occurred, what would you be feeling? Remember your answer to this when you step out the door every morning and put it into action. Beauty is contagious and it comes not only from the outside, but from the inside. Take pride in who you are, where you come from, and where you are going. You never know who you will inspire, comfort, or motivate. We are one another's largest influence. Your perception to the world is important. Just think, you may be the only book someone will ever read. What message do you want leave?

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Today is Mother's Day. What does this day mean to you? Is it an evaluation of the current state as to which your relationship with your mother is in, or is it a celebration of the relationship you endure? Maybe it's a day of remembrance or a day of mere admiration. To me this is a day where I take the time to honor the most influential person in my life. Now my use of the word influential isn't always rose colored. God knows that my relationship with my mother has taken about a million turns and switches throughout my lifetime. However, it is still important to explore, honor, and recognize where we come from. Whether that be a pleasant vision or not. Reality is reality and we can learn and grow, or avoid and coast. Let's face it, our relationships with our mother's are probably up there as being one of the most complex relationships we have. And every mother to child relationship is different. That is what makes them special. Today, I recognize my mother. The woman who is imperfectly beautiful and human. The woman who has shown me things I want to be whether it be by example or simply vicarious. She is also the woman who I have learned what not to do from. She has shown me my tendencies through a mirror of actions. She loves me and knows me better than anyone, and is the person that will never turn her back on me, no matter what. Sometimes I think we take the unconditional aspect of the relationship for granted. So today, Mom, I love you. For everything you are and everything you're not. You are my mom. And today, that is something to celebrate.

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