Being Beautiful

If what you dream of has already occurred, what would you be feeling? Remember your answer to this when you step out the door every morning and put it into action. Beauty is contagious and it comes not only from the outside, but from the inside. Take pride in who you are, where you come from, and where you are going. You never know who you will inspire, comfort, or motivate. We are one another's largest influence. Your perception to the world is important. Just think, you may be the only book someone will ever read. What message do you want leave?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I’ve learned that things change, people change, and it doesn’t mean you forget the past or try to cover it up; it simply means that you move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn’t mean giving up, it means accepting that some things weren’t meant to be. Direction isn’t always easy to find, and what we think is the right path, can actually just lead us back to where we started, the place of question and doubt. Maybe we missed something, or didn't prepare for our journey. But in order to truly love or achieve something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If afterward it can find a way to survive or prevail, you will then be a part of something stronger than you ever imagined.

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